1,521 Flats Sold Under HDB’s Open Booking Scheme

A sum of 1.521K flats have gotten sold within the open selection system after its release on Jun ’19, announced Minister of State for National Development Tan Kiat How during Parliament on 2nd Mar.

He was addressing MP TP Gan who inquired the amount of HDB flats sold in the release booking system after its commence.

The available booking system makes it possible for property applicants “to apply for a public home on-line, and even obtain their public home option consultation on a first-come-first-served manner, which may possibly be as early as the following operating day”.

Pasir Ris 8 price

Tan replied a total amount of Forty-six 2 room Flexi public housing, 2hundred 73 3 room public housing\, 601 four room flats, 5hundred 97 5 room/ 3Gen public housing, as well as 4 Exec flats have already gotten ordered since 22 February ’21 within the release choosing procedure.

Gan furthermore inquired whether Housing and Development Board might look at infusing a fresh stock of public housing a bit more often and also boost the quantity of flats available within the program.

Towards this, Tan shared that Housing and Development Board, at present, “suspends available booking two times a year to insert a fresh stock of flats. The greater part of public housing offered under the release booking arised from the pot of flats particularly continue to be left out after the 2 times yearly SBF activities”.

Tan added that HDB has actually been exploring means to give extra flats using available selection.

Housing and Development Board, for example, has already ceased the Re-Offer of Balance Flat activities from February2020 to ensure additional unselected flats coming from the SBF exercises can be put forward directly by means of available selection, he stated.

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